CoinGeek Conference is evolving to the Global Blockchain Convention. Visit the Global Blockchain Convention site to learn more about the GBC Dubai 2022!
The marketing industry faces many challenges: the tracking of advertising results and ensuring performance is auditable and performance is true. That advertising budgets are not being consumed by click farms of bots. The ability to create immersive campaigns with new technologies such as augmented reality. The ability to incentivize customers with new campaigns such as NFTs and that the industry as a whole has longevity by introducing new revenue streams with real-time monetization of content and social engagements.
At CoinGeek Conferences marketing professionals can hear and see the new innovations from businesses that are building on top of the BSV Blockchain that solves these challenges.
The upcoming conference in New York will cover:

Dr. Mihaela Ulieru: Blockchain creating new incentives in marketing

Block Seoul Day 3: How marketing, media slow down crypto mass adoption
BSV a boon for advertising and affiliate marketing | CG Zurich
How Bitcoin SV is Revolutionizing Marketing and MarTech
Marketing technology continues to improve year-on-year. New technology plays an increasingly important role in campaign development, management, and monitoring. All of which help to deliver more efficient ad spend and more effective campaigns. Yet as technology develops, issues with data regulations, falsified campaign metrics and bots consuming budgets and structural limitations, existing technologies and advertising platforms are part of the problem and they aren’t fixing the challenges facing advertisers globally.
Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a step forward for marketers. The marketing tech use cases for BSV demonstrate the flexibility and efficacy of the technology. Combined with the inherent scalability supporting the protocol, BSV has emerged as the winning blockchain among those heading up the most innovative startups in marketing tech.
An example of this is Connor Murray, CEO and co-founder of True Reviews. His application aims to offer true reviews pegged to verifiable identities. With the immutable characteristic of BSV blockchain data and smart contracts, powered by microtransactions, his platform is able to accurately verify the identity of reviewers, eliminating the problem of fake reviews.
And, Luke Rohenaz, CEO of TonicPow. He’s using BSV to improve the transparency of his ad spend, as well as ensuring more effective, personalized campaigns without running afoul of regulators.
In an industry facing a wide range of challenges to its progress, marketing tech is becoming increasingly reliant on innovations like BSV to deliver next-level progress.
Challenges Facing Marketing Technology
The marketing industry is in need of new tools that give marketers the ability to engage more effectively with their target audience and that offer more accurate campaign management. Despite countless evolutions in marketing technologies in recent years, some core problems persist which limit the potential of the sector. And where these problems exist, businesses stand to capitalize from significant savings on wastage as well as improving campaign results through adopting more sophisticated technologies.
Privacy remains a concern for the marketing sector, as it does with many consumers, with identity online posing challenges for analytics and campaign management. On the one hand, marketers want access to as much verifiable, honest data from consumers as possible—yet consumers, and regulators, are more concerned about protecting privacy. This leads to difficulties for marketers in getting to where they need to be, resulting in sector-wide inefficiencies—even with the benefit of modern analytics and campaign optimization tools.
Customer analytics can be manipulated by third parties, or by error, leading to bad marketing decisions. Unreliable feedback verification is undermining marketers attempts to build trust in campaigns.
Ad-spend budget transparency remains a key concern for marketers, with too much faith required in publishers to provide an honest account for spend. Combined with a need to monitor potential customers and their information more closely for targeting, this limits the possibilities that would otherwise be open to digital marketing departments and companies.
Word of mouth remains just out of reach for digital marketers, at least as far as providing an incentive structure is concerned. As one of the most effective mechanisms for marketing products and services in a real-world environment, having the capacity to incentivize word of mouth through technology will provide significant benefits to campaign success.
Marketing budgets are usually the first thing a business does in belt-tightening mode will reduce making it harder for the business to reach better audiences.
Fortunately, these are all problems that can be addressed swiftly with the help of the BSV blockchain—a large part of why BSV is piquing the interest of some of the world’s most innovative marketing tech startups.
The BSV Solution—Revolutionizing Digital Advertising
With the help of Bitcoin SV, marketing tech firms can accurately track customer behavior, without compromising privacy laws. Because so much customer behavior can be written automatically to the blockchain, without necessarily tying to the identity of the individual, marketers can safely and compliantly collect and use more data to inform campaign objectives and strategies.
This allows for hyper-personalized content serving, tailored to the individual, as well as ensuring greater degrees of transparency in tracking clicks and spend. Reliable, real-time metrics can be gathered more effectively, and with the help of microtransactions, new models for incentivizing more hard to reach marketing methods, such as word of mouth, can be developed.
In terms of reviews, the ability to prove and verify user identity means reviews become more transparent and honest, effectively solving the problem of fakes. And with all this delivered by the BSV protocol at low-cost with maximum efficiency, it is proving increasingly attractive to firms across the marketing tech sector.
Connor Murray of True Reviews said his business is built on BSV because it is the only blockchain focused on scale.
“Bitcoin SV is the only blockchain that is focused on scale. Every other blockchain does not have a solution in sight for scaling to encompass the global commercial industry. Private blockchains don't introduce any novel solutions.”
For Luke Rohenaz of TonicPow:
“It is all about microtransactions. None of them can send pennies, especially at the high volumes we would require at scale. We would be forced to batch and could not offer instant payouts at all with the alternatives. Secondly, there is no confidence in the stability of the protocol with other blockchains. They are subject to change depending on the current views of their development teams which could potentially cause huge development setbacks for applications built on them.”
Social channels built on Bitcoin SV open unique solutions to marketers. Marketers now have the ability to monetize their content marketing assets. Platforms such as Twetch, PowPing and Streamanity have opened up a new revenue stream that in turn could support topping up advertising budgets and add more value to the business. With the Bitcoin SV ‘Earn and Use’ model, marketers will have to think creatively about the content they create and distribute. Microtransactions power posts in this new paradigm and rather than hope for vanity metrics these platforms allow you to earn more from engagements and follows. Now it really does pay to create great content!

Sign Up for the CoinGeek Live Conference
If you’re interested in learning more about how marketing and Martech are evolving on BSV, then CoinGeek NYC 2021 is a must-attend event. Taking place live and virtually from the 5 October. The 3-day event builds on previous successful CoinGeek conferences. The session will look at how BSV is shaping the future of marketing technology and digital media with a focus on the commercial opportunities arising from the BSV protocol.
The CoinGeek Live event promises to be one of the most important dates on the BSV calendar. It’s free to attend the virtual event and you can come in-person to Times Square, New York with registration, though it’s recommended you sign up as soon as possible to secure your spot.
With a packed agenda and the opportunity to hear from some of the most respected names in the industry, it’s an event you won’t want to miss.