Please click here to find out how to register and buy tickets.
- Coffee and snacks during intervals
- Access to conference and networking area for all 3 days
- Free Cocktail Reception Day 1 and 2
- Discount code on Sheraton Hotel Room
- Connect with people via conference application
- Invitation to Bitcoin Association Dinner
- Access to CoinGeek Day 3 wrap drinks
- Access to CoinGeek Charity Event
- Priority seating and networking opportunities close to stage
Full Conference
- Coffee and snacks during intervals
- Access to conference and networking area for all 3 days
- Free Cocktail Reception day 1 and 2
- Discount code on Sheraton Hotel Room
- Connect with people via conference application
If you are attending online, you will be sent an access email by our partner 6Connex to log in, should you not you can log in using this link - https://coingeekconference.6connex.eu/event/New-York/login
Payment information
You can purchase a NYC Live ticket with BSV or using AMEX, Visa or MasterCard. Payments are processed immediately.
Yes, you can register multiple tickets as a group ticket but each individual attendee information needs to be filled in correctly, otherwise they might not receive access into the venue.
Yes, you can pay for tickets on the door. For the best prices on tickets and the quickest registration process we reccommend that you book your tickets online
If you have paid for in-person tickets you will still be able to access the content after the conference has ended. Please note that the money you pay is a non-refundable.
If you would like to transfer to ticket to some one else please contact conference@coingeek.com
The event will be at the Sheraton Times Square Hotel, Manhattan, New York City from 8:30am - 6pm on 5, 6 and 7 October 2021. The conference will be held at this address Sheraton Times Square Hotel, 811 7th Avenue, W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, United States.
Yes, this will be possible. If you would like to transfer to ticket to some one else please contact conference@coingeek.com and we can amend the names.
If you are attending online, you will be sent an access email by our partner 6Connex, if you did not receive the email, please contact registration@coingeek.com
You are able to attend CoinGeek New York in the Sheraton, without the need for a vaccination. If you are unvaccinated, you are required to wear a mask throughout the venue under the regulations of the State of New York. For more information on the rules in New York please click here.
Read our Covid Safety policy here https://coingeekconference.com/en/covid-safety