CoinGeek Conference is evolving to the Global Blockchain Convention. Visit the Global Blockchain Convention site to learn more about the GBC Dubai 2022!
The I.T. industry facilitates the access, security and movement of data, building the hardware and software we need to transform our data into something we can use in work, businesses and everyday life.
But the I.T. industry is faced with significant challenges --
Massive data breaches
Inefficient automation and project management
Our accelerated digital transformation has only exacerbated these issues. Issues that are already impacting businesses and critical infrastructure around the world.
At CoinGeek Conferences IT professionals can hear and see the new innovations from the businesses that are building on top of the BSV Blockchain that solves these challenges.
The upcoming conference in New York will cover:
Cybersecurity and Blockchain at CoinGeek Zurich
How Bitcoin will change the future of data and empower everyone (Dr. Craig Wright)

The Future of Data Services in Mining
BSV blockchain opens new world of possibilities for IT
Blockchain is powering the future of IT. As an inherently technical innovation, it seems only natural that the information technology sectors stand to benefit from the advantages the BSV enterprise blockchain can bring. In its own way, the IT sector faces a number of challenges and inefficiencies that mean it cannot operate at the level that it should. This results in sluggish performance, excessive cost burdens and an industry that is missing out on the full scope of the opportunities that should be available to it.
There is currently a lack of support for applications which use blockchain technology for its intended purposes—i.e. as a distributed timestamp server with low cost transactions. IT enterprises could make greater use of blockchain within industry specific solutions, but lack the accompanying tools and interoperability necessary to make this a straightforward process. As a result, it remains behind the curve in its own game, despite progress being made more readily with blockchain tech across other sectors.
There is no existing layer between blockchain and enterprise or government applications, and marrying the two currently presents a technical nightmare for even the most willing developers. No Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution currently exists that can conveniently handle integrations between blockchains and applications, creating a bottleneck for innovation and development that should not continue to exist.
These are all challenges the IT industry needs to overcome in order to truly benefit from the blockchain revolution. But while they are currently technically complex, there is a clear solution that makes these hurdles that much less insurmountable. That’s where BSV blockchain comes in.
BSV is the only blockchain solution that solves these problems, while providing IT professionals and enterprises with the full gamut of tools and interoperability needed to get more from their systems. Specifically as it relates to the challenges facing the IT sector, BSV enterprise blockchain is the perfect choice for solving these problems and removing the last remaining barriers to adoption.
How BSV blockchain can help the IT sector
Blockchain is the ultimate platform as an underlay, for a future where strategy and technology work harmoniously together. Apps that are redesigned and developed for the blockchain can deliver multiplicative benefits to a range of business processes, covering everything from file storage and document security through to payment systems and messaging.
But while blockchain is the answer at a technological level, the BSV blockchain is the precise solution needed to get the most from the technology.
BSV provides unbounded scale, fit to handle the largest of enterprise use cases with huge capacity for transaction volumes. An immutable ledger keeping a chronological record of data transactions, it allows for micropayments and transactions to be processed at ultra low cost and rapid speed.
The BSV blockchain solves the Software-as-a-Service issue, providing the interface for easy, convenient development interfacing with an underlying blockchain. As a platform, BSV is designed to be straightforward for developers, and was created with problem solving in mind. With the BSV network as the underpinning technology, all the obstacles that prevent greater utilization of blockchain tech melt away. In that respect, BSV is a liberating force for IT businesses and professionals, opening a whole new world of possibilities for developing client tools.
Reducing barriers to entry in transactions and the manifestation of new markets that could not exist before the BSV blockchain will have an immediate impact on the industry with greater uptake. And with the CoinGeek Conference right around the corner, there’s never been a better time to make use of BSV as a platform in an IT setting.
Brendan Lee of Elas Digital describes Bitcoin as “the ultimate underlay technology,” providing a huge scope of opportunity for development.
“At Elas we really see Bitcoin as an ultimate underlay technology. Used properly, redesigned apps can provide multiplicative improvements in business processes across a wide range of services, from file and physical access, to storage, messaging and payment systems. Any service can now be delivered inside an instrument of value—imagine a printer service that receives print jobs wrapped inside a banknote that pays for them? This, and more, is possible today.”
“Elas is primarily focused on delivering software as a service to access and use the Bitcoin SV network and ledger as a tool. We don't yet have direct products in the IT market, but we know that there will be demand for applications which use Bitcoin for its intended purpose - as a timestamping service for peer to peer transactions.”
On Bitcoin SV, Lee argues that only BSV presents viable options for companies and developers looking to make the most of the opportunities in blockchain tech.
“Simply put, scale. Bitcoin SV is the only blockchain network out there which understands what blockchains are for and how they function. Bitcoin SV is simply the original implementation of Bitcoin, or as close as we have been able to revert to it, so there is nothing new about what it does, except that it does not stand in your way by being limited or by costing a lot to use. These two factors alone are enough to make that an easy decision.”

BSV blockchain for IT at the CoinGeek Conference
The case for IT professionals learning more about BSV blockchain and its potential couldn’t be clearer. The CoinGeek Conference is the perfect opportunity to learn more about BSV network and how it's used to solve the practical challenges facing the industry. The eighth CoinGeek Conference, taking place in New York, for attendees live and online. Participants from around the world will log on to hear from some of the most respected personnel in blockchain—from the developers responsible for building and shaping BSV, through to the entrepreneurs, academics and other stakeholders already using BSV blockchain as a development platform for increasing innovative and useful solutions. The event is a great opportunity to learn more about BSV blockchain for the IT sector, and how it operates as a technology to solve the substantial challenges of the era. With so much already happening around BSV development, there’s never been a better opportunity to dive in and get a feel for the future. Registration for the conference is available now, and you can claim your space among the great in the blockchain world.